2024-25 Membership Dues & Lunches
$25.00 – $1,225.00
Annual membership ($350) includes fees to Rotary International, the District, our facility rentals, guest speaker lunches, etc.
Lunches: Pre-paying for lunches helps us plan ahead. We prefer to collect for lunches annually, but understanding that some would like to spread the payments out, we are also offering a quarterly option and a single lunch option (pay as you go).
- Annual pre-payment ($875) includes our holiday party ($75 value) and Fab 5 luncheon.
- Quarterly pre-payment ($225) is the cost of 9 lunches.
- Single Lunch Payment ($25)
You can also pay with Zelle if you have that set up with your bank, which saves the club 3% in fees on every payment. Use the following email address to pay with Zelle: finance1@rotarylafayette.org
You can also pay with a check: Rotary Club of Lafayette, PO Box 943, Lafayette, CA 94549
You can also pay with Venmo – pay @lafayetterotary (not “rotarylafayette”!) or scan the QR code with your app. Please note “Membership” or “Membership + Annual Lunch” etc. in your note with the payment.